Monday, April 25, 2011

Church Egg Hunt

The church egg hunt this year was the day before Easter.  It was a gorgeous day! Both girls found a basket full of eggs, and now we have more candy than any one could ever want!  Ella even won an Easter gift basket through a random drawing for her age group.  They had three separate egg hunts: birth to 2 years of age, 3 to 5 years of age, and 1st through 6th grade.  This put Ella and Chloe in two different egg hunts this year.  Chloe got moved up to the big field! She's growing up so fast! Ella was not really happy when we didn't open each egg as she picked them up, but she got over it and got a kick out of picking them up and tossing them in the basket!
 I found one!
 Love this pic!
Sweet girl

Big sister came to help little sister, so sweet.
Ella and the basket she won


The carnival came early this year.  Chloe gets so excited in the truck when we pass it.  She says, "Momma, look, it's the carnival!!" in the most loud shrill voice she has.  We have enjoyed several carnivals with her, and she got to ride more rides this time because she hit the 36 inch mark! I thought Ella would for sure enjoy it because she is such a daredevil, but I really think she could take it or leave it.  She rode about 3 rides this time, but she mostly enjoyed sitting in her stroller watching and eating cotton candy. We met my best friends Becky and Sylvia there.  They both brought their families, and everyone got to ride and have some fun.  I loved getting together with my favorite people!  I think it needs to be an annual tradition! What do you say?  Also I hope yall don't mind being posted on the blog =)My best friend Becky with Camden and Chloe on the carousel.
Ella on the carousel.  She wasn't sure about it.  She cried at first, but got used to it.
Chloe on the balloon ride with Mrs. Becky and Camden.Neil riding with his daddy Marvin at his first carnival! 
Chloe driving a truck! Watch out!
 Ella taking it easy while the others ride the rides. She was very happy just watching.

It is not a carnival without cotton candy!Ella, again, wasn't so sure about this bus ride.  I thought she would be more adventurous than she was. Wesley and Cameron are sitting in front of us.
Mr. Wesley going down the slide with Chloe.  We took advantage of him having a wrist band to ride all the rides.  Thanks Wesley! You were a trooper.

Chloe and Vivian on the elephants.
I thought Chloe's face in this pic was hilarious!
Wesley was asked to hold the bars down on this bouncy ride!
Chloe and Vivian on the carousel accompanied by Wesley.
I love this pic of Cameron.
My best friend Sylvia and I getting in on the fun.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A few past events, some random

Chloe dressed herself up.

Playdate with Vivian, GREAT afternoon
Ella's first egg hunt... She giggled and laughed when she found an egg. I think she has learned they have candy in them! Sorry I didn't get more pics, but it really was a quick hunt.

Chloe got an Easter bunny painted on her face, but would have NOTHING to do with the actual Easter bunny.Ella loved this bowling game with Mrs. Holly, except she really just loved the sound of chunking the ball against the floor.

Ella eating her Froot Loop necklace.

Chloe would not even get near the Easter bunny, and this is what Ella did.

Strawberry cake balls for Ukraine Beautiful Feet Bake Sale. These were a lot of fun to make. I like the cupcake ones the best.

AWANA awards banquet. Camera lens was apparently dirty.

Ella wearing her hair up for the first time.

Chloe's first season gameElla chillin'Grandma P. came to see Chloe play.