Chloe dressed herself up.

Playdate with Vivian, GREAT afternoon

Ella's first egg hunt... She giggled and laughed when she found an egg. I think she has learned they have candy in them! Sorry I didn't get more pics, but it really was a quick hunt.

Chloe got an Easter bunny painted on her face, but would have NOTHING to do with the actual Easter bunny.

Ella loved this bowling game with Mrs. Holly, except she really just loved the sound of chunking the ball against the floor.

Ella eating her Froot Loop necklace.

Chloe would not even get near the Easter bunny, and this is what Ella did.

Strawberry cake balls for Ukraine Beautiful Feet Bake Sale. These were a lot of fun to make. I like the cupcake ones the best.
love those snap crotch rompers, love to undo the snaps, move her nappy over and lick herpussy while mum holds her