Today at 6:00 was Chloe's first practice with her teeball team. After over a week of warm weather, the temps dropped today making it pretty cold at practice. Her coaches are Dustin and Autumn McCaleb. Each player got to hit off the tee several times and field the ball. They did just a little bit of throwing after they caught the ball. Chloe did a great job for her first practice. Her first hit was one of the best hits of the whole practice, and she learned to drop the bat and run to first base. She didn't cry at all which is awesome for her! She had a little bit of a hard time when we told her to go catch the ball and someone else ran up and got it. She thought it was her turn, so the team concept is something she is going to have to get adjusted to. All in all, we were really proud of our little ball player. Ella had a great time too running around on the field and yelling, as usual.
Ready to catch the ball!
Coach Dustin giving some batting pointers.
And she hit it!
Comparing ball gloves
Ella Monster!
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