Ella has changed quite a bit over the past couple of weeks. This week, teeth #7 and #8 are in. They are the teeth next to her front top teeth. Now she is even with 4 teeth on top and bottom. She is also using those teeth a lot more. She eats goldfish crackers, Lima beans, animal crackers, French fries, green beans and macaroni and cheese among other things. She is also dancing and clapping and crawling and pulling up everywhere. We went to the GI doctor this week, and she is going to be off her reflux medication in a couple of months. She is also drinking out of a sippy cup now. No more bottle! But of course she will still be on formula for a few more months. Ella has also started signing a little bit. She signs ball, dog, milk and waves and says bye bye. She can also say ball, mama, dada, and she is really trying to say milk but it just sounds like ma.
Chloe has been busy with starting her first year of AWANA. She is the youngest in her class and is keeping up pretty good. She can get clingy because Ben and I are both leaders of her class, but I think she is learning a lot from the experience of being in an organized class, not to mention the Bible verses that are being hidden in her heart! I have been teaching Chloe how to read, and it is quite amazing at what this little girl can do. We also try to do a handprint or footprint picture each time she learns a new letter. We have also had a few great play dates at Mrs. Becky's. I really think Camden and Chloe are becoming great friends. Chloe had her ear tubes checkup yesterday and both her tubes are out of her ear drums. I can actually see one tube just sitting in her ear canal, but Dr. Carter said leave it alone, and they will fall out. They did a hearing test on her and told us that she is good to go. No need for us to come back. Both of my girls are doing great! Thank you Lord for your blessings!

Chloe has been busy with starting her first year of AWANA. She is the youngest in her class and is keeping up pretty good. She can get clingy because Ben and I are both leaders of her class, but I think she is learning a lot from the experience of being in an organized class, not to mention the Bible verses that are being hidden in her heart! I have been teaching Chloe how to read, and it is quite amazing at what this little girl can do. We also try to do a handprint or footprint picture each time she learns a new letter. We have also had a few great play dates at Mrs. Becky's. I really think Camden and Chloe are becoming great friends. Chloe had her ear tubes checkup yesterday and both her tubes are out of her ear drums. I can actually see one tube just sitting in her ear canal, but Dr. Carter said leave it alone, and they will fall out. They did a hearing test on her and told us that she is good to go. No need for us to come back. Both of my girls are doing great! Thank you Lord for your blessings!
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